Balers For Sale in Missouri

Tips for Buying a Baler
Harvest season can be a tense time for farmers as they worry about how much of their crop will be left in the field or lost during the harvesting process. After all, you want to maximize your profits! Flieg’s Equipment is your local baler dealer in Ste. Genevieve and Leadington, MO, and we know that these machines can help save time, effort and money. Read on to learn how to make the right selection. When you’re ready to check out balers for sale near Farmington or Park Hills, contact us to see our vast inventory!Consider the Material
Begin the search by taking into account the material you’ll be baling. Pay special attention to size and density. You should also consider volume and speed, so you can make sure any given baler will operate at a level fitting your growing operation. Some high-output balers can’t produce heavy bales and thus operate at a higher cost per hour or else produce a volume and number of bales that aren’t cost-effective for transport. Also be aware of energy-efficient balers for the same reasons. Focus on the cost per baled ton and factor in operation and wire cost.Square or Round Baler
When it comes to bale shape, you have two basic options: rectangular (or square) and round. Each type of baler has their own slew of subcategories with a variety of different capabilities and specialties. At a basic level, square balers make stacking and transporting bales easier. Round balers can pack hay more tightly, making them more efficient to operate. Variable chamber models also bring a lot of extra baling options and can help you better control moisture levels.Be aware that while square bales are easier to stack and store, large square bales can’t be stored outside in wet climates as they have a tendency to mold out. Make sure they’re stored where they’re protected from the elements, either in a barn or covered by a waterproof tarp.
Size of Operation
A small operation with a few animals and a couple of workers doesn’t need much to get its baling done. They usually won’t need the biggest, densest bales, and so a small square baler will be a great fit. Larger options still benefit from larger square balers over round balers, as they harvest more cheaply on a per-ton basis. Round balers still have their uses, especially when hauling doesn’t occur as often or the hay needs to travel longer distances.As you can see, you have a wide range of choice when it comes to these agricultural machines! To find out more or to check out balers for sale in Ste. Genevieve or Leadington, MO, get in touch with us at Flieg’s Equipment and have a chat with our friendly staff! We’re also proud to be the leading baler dealer for Farmington and Park Hills!